Local Discriminant Basis

Energy Maps

Public API

ProbabilityDensity <: EnergyMap

An energy map based on probability density, a measure based on the differences among the pdfs of $Z_i$. Since we do not know the true density functions of the coefficients, the PDFs are estimated using the Average Shifted Histogram (ASH).

See also: EnergyMap, TimeFrequency, Signatures

Signatures <: EnergyMap

An energy map based on signatures, a measure that uses the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) to compute the discriminating measure of a coordinate. Signatures provide us with a fully data-driven representation, which can be efficiently used with EMD. This representation is more efficient than a histogram and is able to represent complex data structure with fewer samples.

Here, a signature for the coefficients in the $j$-th level, $k$-th node, $l$-th index of class $c$ is defined as

$s_{j,k,l}^{(c)} = \{(\alpha_{i;j,k,l}^{(c)}, w_{i;j,k,l}^{(c)})\}_{i=1}^{N_c}$

where $\alpha_{i;j,k,l}^{(c)}$ and $w_{i;j,k,l}^{(c)}$ are the expansion coefficients and weights at location $(j,k,l)$ for signal $i$ of class $c$ respectively. Currently, the two valid types of weights are :equal and :pdf.


  • weight::Symbol: (Default: :equal) Type of weight to be used to compute $w_{i;j,k,l}^{(c)}$. Available methods are :equal and :pdf.

See also: EnergyMap, TimeFrequency, ProbabilityDensity

energy_map(Xw, y, method)

Computes the energy map based on the decomposed input signals Xw and corresponding labels y.


  • Xw::AbstractArray{S} where S<:AbstractFloat: Decomposed 1D or 2D signals.
  • y::AbstractVector{T} where T: Corresponding labels to the signals in Xw.
  • method::EnergyMap: Type of energy map to compute. Supported types are:
    • TimeFrequency()
    • ProbabilityDensity()
    • Signatures()


  • Γ: Computed energy map. Depending on the input method, the data structure of Γ is:
    • TimeFrequency() $\Longrightarrow$ Array{S,3} for 1D signals or Array{S,4} for 2D signals.
    • ProbabilityDensity() $\Longrightarrow$ Array{S,4} for 1D signals or Array{S,5} for 2D signals.
    • Signatures(weight = :equal): $\Longrightarrow$ Vector{NamedTuple{(:coef, :weight), Tuple{Array{S}, S}}}
    • Signatures(weight = :pdf: $\Longrightarrow$ Vector{NamedTuple{(:coef, :weight), Tuple{Array{S}, Array{S}}}}

When setting method = Signatures() of any type of weight, the output is a vector of named tuples, where each named tuple contains the coefficients and weights of all the signals of the same label.


using Wavelets, WaveletsExt

X, y = generateclassdata(ClassData(:tri, 5, 5, 5))
Xw = wpdall(X, wavelet(WT.haar))

energy_map(Xw, y, TimeFrequency())
energy_map(Xw, y, ProbabilityDensity())
energy_map(Xw, y, Signatures())

See also: EnergyMap. TimeFrequency, ProbabilityDensity


Discriminant Measures

Public API

AsymmetricRelativeEntropy <: ProbabilityDensityDM

Asymmetric Relative Entropy discriminant measure for the Probability Density and Time Frequency based energy maps. This measure is also known as cross entropy and Kullback-Leibler divergence.


$D(p,q) = \sum p(x) \log \frac{p(x)}{q(x)}$

where $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p(t) dt = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} q(t) dt = 1$ ($p(t)$ and $q(t)$ are probability density functions.)

SymmetricRelativeEntropy <: ProbabilityDensityDM

Symmetric Relative Entropy discriminant measure for the Probability Density and Time Frequency energy maps. Similar idea to the Asymmetric Relative Entropy, but this aims to make the measure more symmetric.

Equation: Denote the Asymmetric Relative Entropy as $D_A(p,q)$, then

$D(p,q) = D_A(p,q) + D_A(q,p) = \sum p(x) \log \frac{p(x)}{q(x)} + q(x) \log \frac{q(x)}{p(x)}$

where $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p(t) dt = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} q(t) dt = 1$ ($p(t)$ and $q(t)$ are probability density functions.)

See also: AsymmetricRelativeEntropy

HellingerDistance <: ProbabilityDensityDM

Hellinger Distance discriminant measure for the Probability Density energy map.


$H(p,q) = \sum_{i=1}^n (\sqrt{p_i} - \sqrt{q_i})^2$

LpDistance <: ProbabilityDensityDM

$\ell^p$ Distance discriminant measure for the Probability Density and Time Frequency based energy maps. The default $p$ value is set to 2.


$W(q,r) = ||q-r||_p^p = \sum_{i=1}^n (q_i - r_i)^p$

EarthMoverDistance <: SignaturesDM

Earth Mover Distance discriminant measure for the Signatures energy map.


$E(P,Q) = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^{m+n+1} |\hat p_k - \hat q_k| (r_{k+1} - r_k)}{w_\Sigma}$


  • $r_1, r_2, \ldots, r_{m+n}$ is the sorted list of $p_1, \ldots, p_m, q_1, \ldots, q_n$
  • $\hat p_k = \sum_{p_i \leq r_k} w_{p_i}$
  • $\hat q_k = \sum_{q_i \leq r_k} w_{q_i}$
discriminant_measure(Γ, dm)

Computes the discriminant measure of each subspace calculated from the energy maps.


  • Γ: Energy map computed from energy_map function. The data structures of Γ, depending on their corresponding energy map, should be:
    • TimeFrequency(): AbstractArray{T,3} for 1D signals or AbstractArray{T,4} for 2D signals.
    • ProbabilityDensity(): AbstractArray{T,4} for 1D signals or AbstractArray{T,5} for 2D signals.
    • Signatures(): AbstractVector{NamedTuple{(:coef, :weight), Tuple{S₁,S₂}}}.
  • dm::DiscriminantMeasure: Type of Discriminant Measure. The type of dm must match the type of Γ.


  • D::Array{T}: Discriminant measure at each coefficient of the decomposed signals.


using Wavelets, WaveletsExt

X, y = generateclassdata(ClassData(:tri, 5, 5, 5))
Xw = wpdall(X, wavelet(WT.haar))

Γ = energy_map(Xw, y, TimeFrequency()); discriminant_measure(Γ, AsymmetricRelativeEntropy())
Γ = energy_map(Xw, y, ProbabilityDensity()); discriminant_measure(Γ, LpDistance())
Γ = energy_map(Xw, y, Signatures()); discriminant_measure(Γ, EarthMoverDistance())

See also: pairwise_discriminant_measure


Private API

pairwise_discriminant_measure(Γ₁, Γ₂, dm)

Computes the discriminant measure between 2 classes based on their energy maps.


  • Γ₁::AbstractArray{T} where T<:AbstractFloat: Energy map for class 1.
  • Γ₂::AbstractArray{T} where T<:AbstractFloat: Energy map for class 2.
  • dm::DiscriminantMeasure: Type of discriminant measure.


  • ::Array{T}: Discriminant measure between Γ₁ and Γ₂.
pairwise_discriminant_measure(p, q, dm)

Computes the discriminant measure between 2 classes at an index $i$, where Γ₁[i] = p and Γ₂[i] = q.


  • p::T where T<:AbstractFloat: Coefficient at index $i$ from Γ₁.
  • q::T where T<:AbstractFloat: Coefficient at index $i$ from Γ₂.
  • dm::DiscriminantMeasure: Type of discriminant measure.


  • ::T: Discriminant measure between p and q.

Computation of Discriminant Powers

Public API

FishersClassSeparability <: DiscriminantPower

The Fisher's class separability of the expansion coefficients in the basis function.

Equation: $\frac{\sum_{c=1}^C \pi_c\{{\rm mean}_i(\alpha_{\lambda,i}^{(c)}) - {\rm mean}_c \cdot {\rm mean}_i(\alpha_{\lambda,i}^{(c)})\}^2}{\sum_{c=1}^C \pi_c {\rm var}_i(\alpha_{\lambda,i}^{(c)})}$

RobustFishersClassSeparability <: DiscriminantPower

The robust version of Fisher's class separability of the expansion coefficients in the basis function.

Equation: $\frac{\sum_{c=1}^C \pi_c\{{\rm med}_i(\alpha_{\lambda,i}^{(c)}) - {\rm med}_c \cdot {\rm med}_i(\alpha_{\lambda,i}^{(c)})\}^2}{\sum_{c=1}^C \pi_c {\rm mad}_i(\alpha_{\lambda,i}^{(c)})}$

discriminant_power(D, tree, dp)
discriminant_power(coefs, y, dp)

Returns the discriminant power of each leaf from the local discriminant basis (LDB) tree.


  • D::AbstractArray{T} where T<:AbstractFloat: Discriminant measures.
  • tree::BitVector: Best basis tree for selecting coefficients with largest discriminant measures.
  • coefs::AbstractArray{T} where T<:AbstractFloat: Best basis coefficients for the input signals.
  • y::AbstractVector{S} where S: Labels corresponding to each signal in coefs.
  • dp::DiscriminantPower: The measure for discriminant power.

discriminant_power(D, tree, dp) only works for dp = BasisDiscriminantMeasure(), whereas discriminant_power(coefs, y, dp) works for dp = FishersClassSeparability() and dp = RobustFishersClassSeparability().


  • power::Array{T}: The discriminant power at each index of D or coefs.
  • order::Vector{T}: The order of discriminant power in descending order.

Feature Extraction and Transformation

Public API


Class type for the Local Discriminant Basis (LDB), a feature selection algorithm developed by N. Saito and R. Coifman in "Local Discriminant Bases and Their Applications" in the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol 5, 337-358 (1995). This struct contains the following field values:

Parameters and Attributes:

  • wt::DiscreteWavelet: (Default: wavelet(WT.haar)) A discrete wavelet for transform purposes.
  • max_dec_level::Union{Integer, Nothing}: (Default: nothing) Max level of wavelet packet decomposition to be computed.
  • dm::DiscriminantMeasure: (Default: AsymmetricRelativeEntropy()) the discriminant measure for the LDB algorithm. Supported measures are the AsymmetricRelativeEntropy(), LpDistance(), SymmetricRelativeEntropy(), and HellingerDistance().
  • en::EnergyMap: (Default: TimeFrequency()) the type of energy map used. Supported maps are TimeFrequency(), ProbabilityDensity(), and Signatures().
  • dp::DiscriminantPower(): (Default: BasisDiscriminantMeasure()) the measure of discriminant power among expansion coefficients. Supported measures are BasisDiscriminantMeasure(), FishersClassSeparability(), and RobustFishersClassSeparability().
  • top_k::Union{Integer, Nothing}: (Default: nothing) the top-k coefficients used in each node to determine the discriminant measure.
  • n_features::Union{Integer, Nothing}: (Default: nothing) the dimension of output after undergoing feature selection and transformation.
  • sz::Union{Vector{T} where T<:Integer, Nothing}: (Default: nothing) Size of signal
  • Γ::Union{AbstractArray{T} where T<:AbstractFloat, AbstractArray{NamedTuple{(:coef, :weight), Tuple{S₁, S₂}}} where {S₁<:Array{T} where T<:AbstractFloat, S2<:Union{T, Array{T}} where T<:AbstractFloat}, Nothing}: (Default: nothing) computed energy map
  • DM::Union{AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, Nothing}: (Default: nothing) computed discriminant measure
  • cost::Union{AbstractVector{<:AbstractFloat}, Nothing}: (Default: nothing) computed wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) tree cost based on the discriminant measure DM.
  • tree::Union{BitVector, Nothing}: (Default: nothing) computed best WPD tree based on the discriminant measure DM.
  • DP::Union{AbstractVector{<:AbstractFloat}, Nothing}: (Default: nothing) computed discriminant power
  • order::Union{AbstractVector{Integer}, Nothing}: (Default: nothing) ordering of DP by descending order.
fit!(f, X, y)

Fits the Local Discriminant Basis feature selection algorithm f onto the signals X with labels y.


  • f::LocalDiscriminantBasis: Local discriminant basis object.
  • X::AbstractArray{S} where S<:AbstractFloat: Group of signals of the same size, arranged in the 2nd (1D signals) or 3rd (2D signals) dimension.
  • y::AbstractVector{T} where T: Labels corresponding to each signal in X.


  • f::LocalDiscriminantBasis: The same LDB object f with updated fields.


using Wavelets, WaveletsExt

X, y = generateclassdata(ClassData(:tri, 5, 5, 5))
f = LocalDiscriminantBasis()
fit!(f, X, y)

See also: LocalDiscriminantBasis, fit_transform, transform, inverse_transform, change_nfeatures

fitdec!(f, Xw, y)

Fits the Local Discriminant Basis feature selection algorithm f onto the decomposed signals Xw with labels y.


  • f::LocalDiscriminantBasis: Local discriminant basis object.
  • Xw::AbstractArray{S} where S<:AbstractFloat: Group of decomposed signals of the same size, arranged in the 3rd (1D signals) or 4th (2D signals) dimension.
  • y::AbstractVector{T} where T: Labels corresponding to each signal in X.


  • f::LocalDiscriminantBasis: The same LDB object f with updated fields.


using Wavelets, WaveletsExt

X, y = generateclassdata(ClassData(:tri, 5, 5, 5))
f = LocalDiscriminantBasis()
Xw = wpdall(X, f.wt)
fitdec!(f, Xw, y)

See also: LocalDiscriminantBasis, fit!, fit_transform, transform, inverse_transform, change_nfeatures

fit_transform(f, X, y)

Fit and transform the signals X with labels y based on the LDB class f. This function essentially combines both fit! and transform into one, and is the preferred method when trying to extract the LDB coefficients of the training dataset. For the test dataset, one needs to first run fit! on the training dataset before running transform on the test dataset.


  • f::LocalDiscriminantBasis: Local discriminant basis object.
  • Xw::AbstractArray{S} where S<:AbstractFloat: Group of decomposed signals of the same size, arranged in the 3rd (1D signals) or 4th (2D signals) dimension.
  • y::AbstractVector{T} where T: Labels corresponding to each signal in X.


  • Xc::Matrix{S}: A matrix of the extracted LDB features from X, where each column corresponds to the coefficients extracted from the corresponding signal.


using Wavelets, WaveletsExt

X, y = generateclassdata(ClassData(:tri, 5, 5, 5))
f = LocalDiscriminantBasis()
Xc = fit_transform(f, X, y)

See also: LocalDiscriminantBasis, fit!, transform, inverse_transform, change_nfeatures

transform(f, X)

Extract the LDB features from signals X based on the LDB tree constructed from previously fitted signals.


  • f::LocalDiscriminantBasis: Local discriminant basis object.
  • X::AbstractArray{S} where S<:AbstractFloat: Group of signals of the same size, arranged in the 2nd (1D signals) or 3rd (2D signals) dimension.


  • Xc::Matrix{S}: A matrix of the extracted LDB features from X, where each column corresponds to the coefficients extracted from the corresponding signal.


using Wavelets, WaveletsExt

X, y = generateclassdata(ClassData(:tri, 5, 5, 5))
f = LocalDiscriminantBasis()
fit!(f, X, y)
Xc = transform(f, X)

See also: LocalDiscriminantBasis, fit!, fit_transform, inverse_transform, change_nfeatures

inverse_transform(f, X)

Compute the inverse transform on the feature matrix X to form the original signal based on the LDB class f. This function can be used to reconstruct the signals and compare the reconstructed features between different classes.


  • f::LocalDiscriminantBasis: Local discriminant basis object.
  • X::Matrix{S} where S<:AbstractFloat: A matrix of the extracted LDB features from original signals, where each column corresponds to the coefficients extracted from the corresponding signal.


  • Xₜ::Array{S}: Reconstructed signals.


X, y = generateclassdata(ClassData(:tri, 5, 5, 5))
f = LocalDiscriminantBasis()
Xc = fit_transform(f, X, y)
Xₜ = inverse_transform(f, Xc)

See also: LocalDiscriminantBasis, fit!, fit_transform, transform, change_nfeatures

change_nfeatures(f, x, n_features)

Change the number of features extracted from the signals from f.n_features to n_features.

!!! warning If the input n_features is larger than f.n_features, it results in the regeneration of signals based on the current f.n_features before reselecting the features. This will cause additional features to be less accurate and effective. Often times, the "additional" features tend to be zeros.


  • f::LocalDiscriminantBasis: Local discriminant basis object.
  • x::AbstractMatrix{S} where S<:AbstractFloat: A matrix of the extracted LDB features from original signals, where each column corresponds to the coefficients extracted from the corresponding signal.
  • n_features::Integer: Desired number of features in selected by LDB.


  • xₜ::Matrix{S}: Matrix of extracted LDB features, where the number of rows is now n_features instead of the previous f.n_features.

See also: LocalDiscriminantBasis, fit!, fit_transform, transform, inverse_transform
